11 Oct 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back - I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday and are ready for a busy and enjoyable term. On behalf of our school community, I would like to warmly welcome our new students and their families starting this term.
Attached is a short Term 3 Highlights video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did - we certainly achieved a great deal in Term 3!
In staffing news, Ms Lenka Saunders was successful at the end of Term 3 in gaining a permanent position at Cammeraygal High School and Mrs Penny Galligan, an Admin staff member will be leaving us at the end of Week 2 to take up a full-time position at a local school. I pass on my thanks to both members of staff for their contribution to Willoughby Girls and wish them well in their new positions.
Ms Jacqueline Wade who is well known to our students will be filling Ms Saunders position until the end of term and Mr Gordon Smith will take on the Year 7 Assistant Year Advisor role. Mr Andrew Dargan and Ms Jennifer Watts will be continuing their leave in Term 4. Ms Katrina Novosel will continue in Mr Dargan’s position and Ms Tania Prowle will remain as Deputy Principal for Years 7 to 9, with Ms Rosemary Henzell continuing as Head Teacher Teaching and Learning. Welcome to Ms Annika Williams who will be joining our Learning Support Team in the role of Student Learning Support Office (SLSO) 2 days a week.
Our Year 12 students will begin their HSC exams on Wednesday 12th October with English the first exam for all students. Our students have been in regular contact with their teachers over the holidays as they make final preparations for these exams. Students are reminded to ensure they arrive at least 30 minutes before the first English examination and 15 minutes prior to their other papers to ensure there is enough organisational time for the examinations to start on time. We know that this year group is very well prepared – they have worked consistently all year. It is now time for them to reap the rewards of their hard work and perform at their best in the examinations. On behalf of our entire school community best wishes to the class of 2022, we are incredibly proud of you!
Year 11 students are now in their HSC year with new Extension classes beginning from Week 2. Today, Ms Janet Atchison spoke to the students about the HSC Assessment Policy and Schedules Booklet which will be made available to students digitally on their wellbeing classroom and for parents/carers on the parent portal. It is important that families discuss the assessment schedule to be able to plan all activities for the next 12 months. A parent/carer information evening will be held on Tuesday 18th October, and an invitation was emailed to all parents yesterday. We look forward to working collaboratively with students and their families.
Our Year 11 students will be heading off to the Great Aussie Bush Camp on Wednesday for what will be their final school camp. I am sure that all students in attendance will challenge themselves to complete the activities and importantly create life long memories. Sincere thanks to Ms Natasha Lemaic and Mr Sam Glazebrook for their organisation of the camp, and to all staff attending.
Years 7 to 10 are working away at their final term for the year. It is a time to consolidate the work covered so far to ensure any end of year assessments can be completed to the best of their ability. It is also a time for subject choices to be implemented for the following year or so. This process has been ongoing since last term but will be finalised in the coming weeks.
This term I am asking for the support of all parents/carers to complete the “Partners In Learning Survey” which is part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys on student engagement and wellbeing. The parent survey helps to clarify and strengthen the important relationship between parents/carers and the school. The survey is anonymous and takes around 15 minutes to complete. The data gathered from the responses will be used to continue enhancing the learning environment for your child, while building stronger ties within the school community.
Over the next fortnight, a unique URL will be sent via email to all parents/carers to allow access to the survey. The survey can be completed on a computer, tablet or mobile device and is available in 23 community languages.
I thank you in advance for participating in this survey and look forward to implementing the feedback provided. Doing so will allow us to continue providing the best educational environment for you child.
Mental Health Month is recognised and celebrated throughout the month of October. This awareness month encourages all of us to think about our mental health and wellbeing, regardless of whether we may have a lived experience or not. This month also gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of mental health in our everyday lives and encourages help seeking behaviours when needed.
This year’s theme for Mental Health Month is ‘Tune In’. Tuning In means being present – being aware of what’s happening within you, and in the world around you. So, let’s all take a moment to Tune In during the month of October.
Staff from our wellbeing team are always available to support students and families. If you would like support, please contact the school.
Our next P&C meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 18th October at 7pm in the Senior Study (K Block). Our Head Teacher Wellbeing, Ms Alex Stankovski will be giving a short presentation on the evening. I look forward to your attendance at this meeting.
Adrienne Scalese