Willoughby Girls High School

A Leader in Girls Education

Telephone02 9958 4141


Assessment and reporting

Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning. 

Teachers observe students' work in class and look closely at tasks throughout the year. They also formally assess a student's achievement based on the outcomes described in the syllabus of the subject.

As a parent or carer, you’ll receive a written report twice a year. It gives you a clear picture of your child’s achievements – what they know and can do.

In Years 7 to 10, we use the common grade scale in reporting. In Year 11, we use the Preliminary grade scale.

Teachers observe students' work in class and look closely at tasks throughout the year. They also formally assess a student's achievement based on the outcomes described in the syllabus of the subject.

As a parent or carer, you’ll receive a written report twice a year. It gives you a clear picture of your child’s achievements – what they know and can do.

In Years 7 to 10, we use the common grade scale in reporting. In Year 11, we use the Preliminary grade scale.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are assessed on achievement of competencies.

Student Handbook

Student Handbook 2025


We provide detailed information to students about what we expect from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students have a number of formal assessments throughout their schooling.

Reporting student progress

At Willoughby Girls High School, reports are issued half yearly and yearly. These reports include a teacher comment, an indication of progress in relation to course outcomes and learning habits, and marks. 

Students who are not meeting course requirements may receive a warning letter. Students who do not significantly improve their performance will have this indicated on their report. As a result, a student may be ineligible to progress or to be awarded a course result, a School Certificate or a Higher School Certificate.

Students identified in semester reports as demonstrating consistently positive attitudes and active commitment to learning, will receive a gold sticker on their reports.  Students who receive two gold stickers in a year receive an Outstanding Commitment to Learning award at an appropriate  ceremony.

Assessment Years 7 - 8

It is essential that students present for and/or complete all assessment tasks/examinations.

No valid reason for non-completion or late submission of assessment

The following procedures will be implemented in all courses, in all subjects:

  • Where there is no valid reason for non-completion of an assessment task/examination, a zero will be recorded for that task. 
  • Where there is no valid reason for late submission of a task, a late penalty of 50% of the total mark awarded per school day will be applied, and a zero will be recorded for that task after two school days.

Reason for non-completion of assessment: Illness/Misadventure

If absent on the day of a scheduled assessment (eg examination, research task, presentation etc), the following will be required in order to decide whether or not a student has a valid reason for non completion of a task:

a. Contact the school before 9am on the day that the assessment task is due. Speak to the Front Office to make arrangements for the task to be submitted AND

b. Before 9am on the day of their return to school, see the Deputy Principal to submit an Illness Misadventure Application and submit the task. The student must provide a parent/carer letter detailing why the circumstances prevented them from submitting the task on time. Details can be supplied on a confidential basis where necessary.

c. Be prepared to sit for the task.

NOTE: A parental statement must be received by the school on the first day back after the missed task, irrespective of whether the student has a lesson in the subject of the missed task on that day. This documentation is to be handed to the relevant Head Teacher (or a teacher within the appropriate Faculty) in the case of assessment tasks or the examination co-ordinator in the case of examinations.

Reason for non completion of assessment: Authorised Leave

Leave, for reasons other than illness/misadventure, authorised by the Principal is a valid reason for non-completion of an assessment task/examination. Please see the Attendance/Punctuality section of the Information for Students and Parents Booklet for more information.

Assessment Year 9

It is essential that students present for and/or complete all assessment tasks/examinations.

No valid reason for non-completion or late submission of assessment

The following procedures will be implemented in all courses, in all subjects:

  • Where there is no valid reason for non-completion of an assessment task/examination, a zero will be recorded for that task. 
  • Where there is no valid reason for late submission of a task, a late penalty of 20% of the total mark awarded per school day will be applied, and a zero will be recorded for that task after five school days.

Reason for non-completion of assessment: Illness/Misadventure

If absent on the day of a scheduled assessment (eg examination, research task, presentation etc), the following will be required in order to decide whether or not a student has a valid reason for non completion of a task:

a. Contact the school before 9am on the day that the assessment task is due. Speak to the Front Office to make arrangements for the assessment task to be submitted AND

b. Before 9am on the day of their return to school, see the Deputy Principal to submit an Illness Misadventure Application and submit the task. The student must provide a parent/carer letter detailing why the circumstances prevented them from submitting the task on time. Details can be supplied on a confidential basis where necessary.

c. Be prepared to sit for the task.

NOTE: A parental statement must be received by the school on the first day back after the missed task, irrespective of whether the student has a lesson in the subject of the missed task on that day. This documentation is to be handed to the relevant Head Teacher (or a teacher within the appropriate Faculty) in the case of assessment tasks or the examination co-ordinator in the case of examinations.

Reason for non completion of assessment: Authorised Leave

Leave, for reasons other than illness/misadventure, authorised by the Principal is a valid reason for non-completion of an assessment task/examination. Please see the Attendance/Punctuality section of the Information for Students and Parents Booklet for more information.

Assessment Years 10-12

It is essential that students present for and/or complete all assessment tasks/examinations. 

School records must show that a student attended a full day of school on the school day before and on the school day of an assessment task (in class and hand-in tasks), as per that student’s regular timetable, including Home Room. This is to ensure that no student is advantaged by using school time to work on an assessment task. Failure to attend all classes will result in a zero being given for the task.

No Valid reason for not completing a task on time or absence

The following  procedures will be implemented in all courses,in all subjects:

  • Where there is no valid reason for non completion of an assessment task/examination, a zero will be recorded for that task.
  •  Where there is no valid reason for late submission of a task, a zero will be recorded for that task.

Reason for non-completion of a task or absence: Illness/Misadventure

If absent on the school day before and/or on the day of a scheduled assessment (eg examination, research task, presentation etc), the following will be required in order to decide whether or not a student has a valid reason for non completion of a task:

a. Notify the school by telephone before 9am on the day of the assessment task is due. Speak to the Front Office to make arrangements for the assessment AND

b. Before 9am on the day of their return to school (the first day the student is not covered by the medical certificate), see the Deputy Principal to submit an Illness Misadventure Application. The student must provide independent evidence of the facts, detailing why the circumstances prevented them from attempting the task.

Details can be supplied on a confidential basis where necessary. Students who appeal on the grounds of illness must provide an original medical certificate certifying the illness occurred on the day of the assessment task. MEDICAL CERTIFICATES OBTAINED AFTER THE EVENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. BACK DATED MEDICAL CERTIFICATES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 

c. Be prepared to sit for the task.

Reason for non-completion of a task or absence: Authorised Leave

Leave, for reasons other than illness/misadventure, authorised by the Principal is a valid reason for non completion of an assessment task/examination. Please see the Attendance/Punctuality section of the Information for Students and Parents Booklet for more information.

Refer to the Junior Assessment Handbooks, issued to Year 9 and Year 10 students, for Stage 5 assessment requirements, and the Senior Assessment and Curriculum Handbooks, issued to Year 11 and Year 12 students, for preliminary and HSC assessment requirements. The Homework Policy in this booklet provides additional information.