Willoughby Girls High School

A Leader in Girls Education

Telephone02 9958 4141


Principal's Welcome 22 July 2022 & Term 2 Highlights Video

Term 2 2022 Highlights

It was great to see all the students back at school after the holidays.

Attached is a short Term 2 Highlights video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did - we certainly achieved a great deal in Term 2!

I would like to warmly welcome our new students (25 - our largest intake mid- year for a long time) and our new staff; Ms Alexandra Stankovski, Head Teacher, Wellbeing, Ms Carin Swaddling, Counsellor, Ms Brittany Burdon-Poole, History Teacher, Ms Vanessa Hawthorne, Office and Ms Bree Parsons, Office.  Also, I would like to sincerely thank Ms Rana Morris for all her efforts in the Relieving Head Teacher Wellbeing position in Term 2.  Ms Morris will now be the Year 10 Year Advisor, as Ms Velevski is on maternity leave.

Mrs Jennifer Watts, Deputy Principal, is on leave and Mrs Tania Prowle will be relieving in this position all term.  The Deputy roles have changed and Ms Janet Atchison will be in charge of Years 10, 11 and 12, and Mrs Prowle will look after Years 7, 8 and 9.

The latest COVID smart settings at school have been released by the Department of Education and can be accessed via this link:   https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families

We are all aware that our students learn best in a face-to-face learning environment. To continue to provide this learning environment while prioritising student and staff wellbeing, schools will have a number of COVID-smart settings in place for this term.  The COVID-smart settings that you and your children have become used to will continue in Term 3 including: 

·         Staying at home if unwell or showing any symptoms, and not returning to school or work until fully recovered. 

·         Rapid antigen testing for any students or staff showing symptoms, and for close contacts who are able to return to school.

·         Maximising natural ventilation. 

·         Good hygiene practices for students and staff including regular hand washing with soap and water.  

In addition to these baseline settings, we will be:

·         encouraging all staff, students and school visitors to wear a mask while indoors, particularly during a 4-week ‘blitz’ effort from the beginning of term.

·         distributing 1 multipack of 5 RAT kits to all staff and students in our school.

·         boosting our day cleaning in school, with a particular focus on high-touch areas.

The next P&C meeting will be on Tuesday, 26 August 2022. I encourage you to come along. It is a great way to be involved and understand what is happening in the school.

Thank you for your continued support.  I look forward to a wonderful Term 3.

Mrs Adrienne Scalese
